Bar Manager Resume Example - Update Yours for 2024

27 June
8 min read
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Looking to land a job as a bar manager?

To stand a chance at getting a job at your favorite bar, you’ll need to hand in a bar manager resume that’s better than that of other candidates.

At the end of the day, you might be THE best bar manager in your state, but if your resume doesn’t show this, you won’t land the job.

Fortunately, though, in our article, we’ll teach you all you need to know to create a compelling bar manager resume!

Read on for:

  • Bar Manager Resume Example
  • 8 Steps to Write a Great Bar Manager Resume
  • 10+ In-Demand Bar Management Skills in 2024

And more! So let’s dive right in!

Bar Manager Resume Example

Before we teach you how to write a resume from scratch, let’s give you a solid bar manager resume example, so you know what that looks like:

Looks good, right? Here are all the elements that make this bar manager resume example a success:

  • Chronological resume format.This is the most popular of allresume formatsand recruiters worldwide prefer it.
  • Information in bullet points.All the information presented in the bar manager resume example above is in bullets, making it easier to skim for.
  • Includes additional contact details.Additional contact details such as your LinkedIn URL profile or Instagram handle make you look more professional (as long as they’re work-related).
  • Quantifiable achievements.This applicant quantifies their achievements as much as possible, showing the bar owner how they stand out amongst other candidates.
  • Short education section.This bar manager resume example keeps the education section brief, paying more attention to the work and skills sections.
  • Industry-related skills.Instead of listing a bunch of unrelated skills, the bar manager resume example above only lists industry-relevant skills.
  • Extra sections.By adding extra sections, such as certificates and languages, the candidate can stand out from other applicants with similar work experience and skills.

8 Steps to Write a Great Bar Manager Resume

Want your resume to be on that same level as the bar manager resume example above?

Just follow these 8 easy steps and you’ll be there in no time!

#1. Format Your Bar Manager Resume

Before starting to fill in your resume’s contents, you should first get the basics out of the way - namely, formatting andlayout.

The reverse-chronological format is the obvious choice when it comes to your resume format. The other two (functionalandcombination) are nowhere near as popular or as effective.

Not to mention, the reverse-chronological format lets you flaunt your skills and achievements by listing your latest work experience first.

Here’s what the reverse-chronological format looks like:

With formatting out of the way, you can start fixing your resume’s layout, which involves:

  • 1-page length.Chances are, the bar owner has received hundreds of manager applications. And since they don’t have all the time in the world to review resumes, they’re going to appreciate yours being concise (soone page in lengthmax).
  • Professional font size and style.To make sure your resume doesn’t spill over to the next page, keep your font size between 11 and 12 pts for normal text and 13 to 14 pts for section headers. Also, make sure to avoid unprofessionalresume fontslike Comic Sans.
  • Enough line spacing.This is another element that can help you keep your resume length well within one page, while still looking organized and easy to read.
  • Saving your resume as a PDF file.Unless the job description specifically requires you to submit yourresume as a Word file, save it as a PDF to ensure it stays the same no matter the device that opens it.

Use a Resume Template (And Save Yourself Time)

Want to skip all the formatting hassle described above and immediately start filling in your resume contents?

It’s absolutely possible - and super easy!

All you need to do is pick one of Novorésumé ’sfree resume templates.

Our templates are created in collaboration with some of the best recruitment specialists worldwide, which makes them easy to read, scan, AND visually aesthetic.

With formatting already taken care of, you can simply focus on making your bar manager resume as impactful as possible.

#2. List Your Contact Details

You probably know that listing your contact information is first in order when you’re writing your bar manager resume.

And yes, it’s just as straightforward as it sounds. All you need to include is:

  • Full name
  • Professional title
  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • Location (city and state/country)
  • Social media profiles such as LinkedIn and Instagram (optional)

As easy as it sounds, before jumping to the next section, make sure that yourcontact informationis accurate and has no typos. You don’t want the bar owner not to be able to contact you or, even worse, choose not to contact you because of blatant typos.

Here’s an example of a bar manager’s contact information section:

Bar Manager Contact Information

John Doe

Bar Manager


New York, NY


#3. Write a Memorable Resume Summary

To help the recruiter know you’re a relevant applicant right off the bat, you’ve got to write an impressive resume summary.

The 2-3 sentence paragraph goes right at the top of your bar manager resume and aims to paint a picture of your professional experience.

Here’s what an effectiveresume summaryshould include:

  • Your title and years of experience
  • Your top industry-related skills and qualification
  • 1-2 of your top professional achievements

To give you a concrete idea, here’s an example of a well-written bar manager’s resume summary:

Bar Manager’s Resume Summary

Professional bar manager with 5+ years of experiencemanaging big teamsand providing customer satisfaction. Skilled at conflict resolution, time management, and marketing. Certified Brand Manager.

#4. Make Your Work Experience Count

Your work experience is the bread and butter of your bar manager resume.

After all, when it comes down to it, your work experience (and track record) is what determines how good you are at managing a bar.

To ace this section, start by following the right format:

  • List your work experience in a reverse-chronological way. Start from your current/most recent position and go back in time from there.
  • Begin each work entry by including your professional title, company name and location, the years you worked there, and 3-5 achievements and responsibilities, in bullet points.
  • Under older positions, you can include 1-2 responsibilities/achievements for each, as they’re not that important.

Now, as we said, this section is pretty important, so just listing your experiences is not enough.

Rather, yourwork experience sectionneeds to give you an edge over the competition, and here’s exactly how you can do that:

  • Focus on achievements over responsibilities.Management responsibilities are more or less the same everywhere - making schedules, defining menus, training staff, and so on. The bar owner knows what your responsibilities were. Instead, they want to know how you excelled at your job (and achievements help show this).
  • Make your achievements as quantifiable as possible.Now, saying that you achieved something is one thing. Describing how and when, as well as giving results in numbers, is another thing completely. So, instead of saying“Increased bar revenue,”you should say“increased bar revenue by 20% in 2020 by revamping the menu and training staff to offer upsells.”
  • Useaction verbs and power words.Action verbs such as accomplished, created, maximized, etc., give even more emphasis to the achievements you list on your resume.

Here’s how well-writtenachievementsshould look like on a bar manager resume:

Bar Manager Achievements for Resume:
  • Reorganized the bar stations which resulted in a 30% increase in overall efficiency.
  • Introduced a unique mix of new cocktails on the menu which lead to a 12% increase in sales in the first 3 months.

And here’s an example of a couple of achievements that are not as compelling:

Incorrect Example:
  • Rearranged the bottles and bar equipment.
  • Added new cocktails to the menu.

The first example mentions results, timeframe, and the specific actions taken. The bar owner reading the achievements knows to what extent you excelled at your role.

The second example, on the other hand, is too generic. Sure, the manager added new drinks to the menu, but what did this accomplish? Were the drinks popular? Did they sell more?

The bar owner reading your resume won’t know this.

#5. Only Include the Essentials Of Your Education Background

Although theeducation sectionis, undoubtedly, an essential resume section, it’s not as important as your work experience or skills sections.

For this reason, you should keep it brief and to the point in order to save some space on your resume.

Here’s how you can format your education section:

  • Include your latest (and highest) degree first. Start off with the degree name, institution name, and location, and the years attended.
  • If you have a second degree (e.g. a Bachelor’s and Master’s), list it underneath the first one following the same format.
  • Feel free to skip your high school education if you have higher degrees.

And here’s how this would look on a bar manager resume:


B.A. in Communications

NYU, New York

08/2015 - 05/2018

#6. Include In-Demand Management Skills

The next step to perfecting your bar manager resume is to include relevant skills.

By this, we mean in-demand industry roles, rather than a detailed list of all the skills you possess. And while you’re at it, you can also skip some blatant cliche ones like passion and leadership.

Some of the most in-demand bar manager skills to include in your resume are:

10+ In-Demand Bar Manager Skills

  1. Mixology
  2. Multitasking
  3. Problem-solving
  4. Interpersonal skills
  5. Attention to detail
  6. Time-management skills
  7. Communication skills
  8. Customer service skills
  9. Cultural awareness
  10. Hiring and training
  11. Product knowledge

#7. Use These Optional Resume Sections

If you still have some extra space on your resume, you can take advantage of the following optional sections:

  • Certifications.Think, any certification that can prove your skills as a bar manager. E.g. Certified Food Protection Professional, Certified Hospitality and Tourism Management Professional, etc.
  • Languages.As a bar manager, being proficient in any foreign language can significantly raise your odds to land a job, either locally (as you’ll be able to provide better customer service to foreign customers) or abroad.
  • Hobbies and interests.This section, though not a job-winner, is great to show bar owners who you are outside of the workplace and can help you build rapport with them.

#8. Don’t Forget to Attach a Cover Letter to Your Resume

By now, you’re this close to having a bar manager resume that’s going to land you interviews left and right.

The very last thing to consider is that your cover letter needs to be just as good as your bar manager resume.

Here’s what you can do to make the most out of yourcover letter:

  • Address the bar owner by their full name or title, to show that you care enough about the position to research the employer/bar.
  • In the introduction paragraph, include your job title, years of experience, your most noteworthy achievement, or any other top selling points.
  • Use the body of your cover letter to speak about your skills, work history, and even aspirations for working as a bar manager more in detail. If there’s something you didn’t have the chance to explain in your resume, such as acareer gap, this is your chance to do that.
  • Conclude your cover letter with a call to action so that recruiters remember you better.
  • Match your cover letter with your resume by picking one of ourcover letter templates.

If you find yourself struggling with your cover letter, just head over to our guides oncover letter tipsandcover letter mistakes.

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap!

At this point, you should know all you need to know in order to land a bar manager role.

Before you go, though, let’s go through the article’s main learning points one last time:

  • Write an impactful resume summary to grab the bar owner’s attention from the get-go.
  • In your work experience section, focus on achievements over responsibilities and quantify your achievements whenever you can.
  • Make sure to include the most in-demand bar management skills on your resume to stand out from your competitors.
  • Only include a high-school diploma in your education section if it’s your highest degree.
  • If you have some extra space in your resume, you can also include certificates, languages, or hobbies sections.